Laptops of Tomorrow

Computers have changed the way of living of today’s man. One can imagine a life with old car but old computer is not acceptable to anyone. This thought is not only the trend that we see around us as people update and upgrade rapidly with upcoming technologies, but the need of these computers in our daily life works. For example to watch movies now people don’t need to buy a cassette and VCR, or more advances CD, DVD players attached to TV. Now all you need is a computer that will have enough disk space that can save and download hundreds of movies on the tip of the finger touch.

                                                      laptop rates background

Evolution of computer still carries on and we saw laptops replacing desktop computer with extra features like style, portability, speed, HD display, connectivity and enormous storage capacity. A query arises in the mind that what will replace the laptop technology? Although we can see in the movies different style and specs of future computers but in the recent times and market a better laptop is the replacement of laptop.

Better laptops? Yes decreasing in size and weight and increasing in speed and technology. Touch screens, hi-fi gadgets, high speed processors, multiple connectivity options with lessen weight are the upcoming laptops of future. Top brand names that influence the Pakistan’s market are Dell, HP, Acer, Sony and Toshiba. Latest models tend to be more about speed (processors technology) and style. Prices vary from models to brands. Laptop prices in Pakistan keep on changing due to the rapid increase in models, series and technological advancements.

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